How does water in the diet affect skin?

There is a general assumption that drinking water might be beneficial to our health – after all, we often reach for a glass of water when we have a headache as it can often be a sign of dehydration.

But is there any truth to the positive association between water and skin? We frequently hear of it but are the positive benefits of drinking water on skin clearly demonstrated?

Water is the main component of our tissues and cells and an adult body consists of around 60% water. It’s crucial to many of the body’s functions such as aiding digestion, regulating temperatures, maintaining volume inside cells as well as shock absorption and lubrication.

Clearly, it’s important to remain hydrated so that enough water is available to support these functions (around 2 – 2.5 litres per day) – but drink more than we need, and it’s simply filtered away through the kidneys, so how does that help skin?

Well, a 2015 study seemed to offer insights by confirming that water improved both superficial and deep hydration of the skin – especially for people who didn’t drink much water. It also suggested that for people with dry skin, increasing water intake appeared to hydrate it in ways similar to a moisturiser.

As water supports skin’s elasticity, adequate consumption can maintain moisture levels which helps to prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reduce puffiness, combat heat spots exacerbated by exercise or hot weather, soothe itchiness and help to prevent the blocked pores that can result in spots and acne outbreaks.

It’s likely then, that when combined with a consistent skincare regime, a balanced diet high in fruit, vegetables, pulses, nuts and seeds; regular exercise, enough sleep, and generally healthy lifestyle choices, water is a vital factor in maintaining healthy, radiant skin.

So aiming to drink around 2 litres of water daily not only supports general health, it can help to keep skin looking its best. And if you want extra help and decide to consult an advanced aesthetic nurse practitioner who is experienced in a range of facial aesthetic procedures, staying well-hydrated will give your skin a great foundation for any additional care you choose.



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